The (now retired) pro at my last squash club was the president of Apollo Emrik. As you can imagine, I acquired many of these grips from the tournaments we held.
These aren’t as tacky or as soft as other grips on the market, but the one thing they are known for is their longevity. I would play with this grip for months, multiple times per week, for many hours and never really feel like I needed to swap it out.
In the end, I would give in and change my grip if a tournament came up or the white bit of the grip became dingy. Gross, but very cost effective.
If you are looking for a very long lasting grip that performs quite well overall, I would recommend giving this one a try.
Shop 🛒
🇨🇦 https://www.courtsidesports.com/28/Grips-%26-Racquet-Accessories/Overgrips/?subcategory=Apollo
🇨🇦 http://ccsquashshop.com/shop/accessories/apollo-grip/